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Clayton Landscaping
Creating Beautiful, Sustainable, Outdoor living spaces for Southern California


​The most comprehensive landscape service

Landscape Enhancement

     A very popular service of ours, and for good reason.  Many yards already have good bones, and don't need a major overhaul.  Miracles can be brought forth with a new plantings, irrigation adjustments, and a fresh coat of ground cover.  This process is designed to bring a tired garden back to life and save thousands of dollars in the process by avoiding a complete remodel.


Irrigation Service

     Water - The bringer of Life - let us audit your irrigation system and make adjustments as needed.  It's amazing what a proper irrigation system can do and how it can affect plant health and growth.  If you're underwhelmed by the performance of the greenery in your yard, this is the number one service we would recommend.  Improper watering is the always the choke hold on any garden not living up to its potential.  After an irrigation adjustment, it only takes a few short months to transform a tired yard, into a vibrant, thriving paradise.


Free Design Service for

California Native Gardens

    We do free landscape design for anyone pledging to turn their space into a sustainable CA native garden.  We are a company on a mission to improve the way we landscape here in California.  We deeply yearn to educate people, and help restore the beautiful ecology of our state.  We yearn to change the beauty standard of landscapes in the west.


    We want to create beautiful, sustainable landscapes that embrace our native plants and natural Western style of landscape.  We hope to inspire as many people as possible to do this.


     One of most important goals is to provide clients with an ecological, ethical, and practical alternative to the typical water hogging landscape in California.  The reality is, Southern CA isn't New England, or Hawaii, or other regions that get four times the amount of annual rainfall we receive here.   These are times of unprecedented water shortages, and it's only getting worse.


    Even if water shortage wasn't an issue, we still have a problem with chemical fertilizers needed to keep many of these non native plants green.  These chemicals eventually leech into ground, and further pollute ground water.  It's not a sustainable solution, and not a practice we should promote.  Especially when there is so many amazing, beautiful plants that naturally thrive in our region. 

     Let us help you discover the beauty of a sustainable native landscape, it is our passion here!


Clayton Landscaping
CA Contractor License #1093073
San Diego, CA

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